Press Release Unkobon
On 14 November, Unkobon had an interview with Mr Knops, the State Secretary for the Interior and Kingdom Relations. In this conversation Mr Knops promised that a DigiD desk will be opened on Bonaire by 31 March 2019 at the latest. The counter will be placed at the Belastingdienst Caribisch Nederland.

DigiD is an abbreviation of Digital Identity. With a DigiD Dutch people can use one single electronic code to log in to governmental services. It can be requested online on the website of DigiD.
Just as Dutch individuals who live abroad, inhabitants of the BES islands should receive their activation code at a special DigiD desk. Beginning this year a DigiD desk was opened on Aruba, but Bonaire does not have one. In January Unkobon has asked when we can expect a DigiD desk on Bonaire.
