All children need to be able to participate; social, with sports, culture and at school. That is important for now and for the future. This is why the Cabinet has decided from this year until the year 2021, to make available 1 million euro extra per year to give each and every child on Bonaire, Saba and St. Eustatius opportunities. That way children can participate if there is little money at home.
Organizations that have good plans to help children, can apply for grants. With the money they receive, for example, they can ensure a healthy meal at school, swimming lessons for children whose parents would not be able to pay or for example for music lessons or a musical instrument. This applies to not-for-profit organizations with a legal incorporation, such as schools, foundations, churches and associations. Also, next year the possibility exists to apply for grants.
Jetta Klijnsma, State Secretary of Social Affairs and Labour, would like this way to ensure the money directly reaches the children. It can only be spent on items such as school supplies, subscriptions, sports clothing or music lessons for children. "Every child does matter. It should not matter how fat the wallet of your father or mother is in order to be able to participate, “said Klijnsma. We must therefore ensure that children get the things they need to grow up."
Organizations can submit their plans from May 29th until June 12th, 2017. The plans will be reviewed on a first come, first served basis. If a plan is approved, the organization may receive funding to the grant until the ceiling is reached. That way things can reach the children fast so that all children can participate.
Employees of the RCN Unit of Social Affairs and of the Ministry of Social Affairs can assist with the preparation of applications. They will be present on the islands in May to help where necessary. There will also be information meetings organized on all three islands. More information will follow later.