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Statement Island Governor, April 16th, 2020

Press Release RCN

Over the past period I have spoken to you more than once, to inform and to call for calmness, togetherness and strength. Today I would like to ask you that again. Bonaire has now entered a different phase, a very special phase. I would like to announce that we have a first positive result. The virus has been found on Bonaire. But I will make a few comments right away.

The positive result is a conclusion of the experts in consultation with the RIVM. A test has been taken several times. Each time the test result came back as not positive, but also not negative. The doctors call that inconclusive, or not conclusive. On the basis of the first test result, Public Health immediately started an investigation into the source. It probably concerns a contact that took place a few weeks ago with someone who has been on Aruba. This contact had mild disease symptoms. After the contact, the person became ill after some time. As a precaution, the person stayed at home voluntarily and was tested recently. There has been little or no contact with other people, but all contacts in the immediate vicinity are being investigated further. In the meantime, the person is doing well. The investigation in addition to the measures already taken, give us good hope that the infection does not further develop. The COVID Drive Thru helps us to investigate the situation further.

So the virus has been found on Bonaire.

In all probability this concerns an import case with a subsequent contamination on Bonaire. The source can be traced. Restrictive and known measures were taken prior to this contamination. Because there is good insight into the origin of the case, and the contacts, it is not necessary to proceed to a lockdown. Nor does it have any consequences for tomorrow's repatriation flight.

It is important that you continue to comply with the restrictive measures. Keep your distance from each other, but also keep the peace. Do not be tempted into hoarding or panic, that really is not necessary.

Bonaire is resilient. We have already faced so many things. If we work together, we can limit the spread of the virus. I will keep you and my team up to date on the situation. I am counting on you, on your cooperation, and I count on your trust in us and in each other. Together against Corona.

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