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49th Bonaire Regatta 2016

Bonaire Regatta 2016 | 49th Edition

Entertainment Location: @CocoBeach

Date 12 - October 15 2016

The annual Bonaire Regatta is one of the biggest celebrations on Bonaire. The weeklong festivities will take place from the 12 to the 15th of October, 2016. This year will be the 49th consecutive year that Bonaire has celebrated sailing activities and entertainment for the whole family. After their successful first Regatta in 2015, the event is again organized by Hype Marketing & Events.

Bonaire, XpBonaire, News, Information, Events, Entertainment, Regatta


Wednesday 12 Oct

5.00 pm DJ Ash

5.30 pm DJ Chrisbeat

6.30 pm DJ Veloce

7.30 pm TSUNAMI

8.00 pm Official Opening

9.00 pm Grupo Karinjo Rincon

10.00 pm Irsais

11.00 pm TSUNAMI

Thursday 13 Oct

7.30 pm Tropical House Band

8.30 pm FORSA DOS

8.00 pm DJ Juan Danger

8.30 pm Grupo ESO

9.30 Los Bandoleros


Friday 14 Oct

6.30 pm Silver Bullet (Steel Band)

7.30 pm GENTZ

8.00 pm Karabelitos

9.00 pm Sabor Kriyoyo

10.00 pm Elevate

10.30 pm Sernariel

11.00 pm DJ Rol

11.30 pm Rebels Band

0.30 am DJ Rol

1.00 am GENTZ

Bonaire, XpBonaire, News, Information, Events, Entertainment, Regatta

Saturday 15 Oct

7.00 pm DJ Ramsey Krips

8.00 pm Awards Ceremony

9.00 pm Foyan Boyz

10.00 pm Grupo ESO

11.00 pm DJ Ramsey Krips

11.30 Official closing

00.00 Jeon I Ritmo Real

1.00 am GYPTIAN

Chill Stage

Thursday 13 Oct

Noon DJ Chrisbeat

1.30 pm DJ Mixup

2.30 pm DJ Veloce

3.00 pm Kara Korra

4.00 pm Luna Van de Veen

4.30 pm Marlijn

5.00 pm DJ Ash

7.30 pm Luna Van Veen

Friday 14 Oct

Noon DJ Chrisbeat

1.00 pm Gerald Alberto

1.30 pm DJ Mixup

2.30 pm DJ Veloce

3.00 pm Grupo Wayaca

4.00 pm Gerald Alberto

4.30 pm Marlijn

5.00 pm DJ Ash

6.00 pm Grupo Watapana

Saturday 15 Oct

9.00 am DJ Ash

11.00 am DJ Chrisbeat

12.30 pm Gerald Alberto

1.00 pm Brasband

1.30 DJ Veloce

2.00 pm DJ Mixup

3.00 pm Kara Kora

4.00 pm Son Boneriano

5.00 pm Grupo Tambu dam dam

5.30 Tico Balentin

6.30 pm Heinrich Scherptong

Regatta 2016 Info Sitemap:

This year the Regatta will again be on Coco Beach. However, the setup will be changed and everything will move much closer to the Den Laman Condominiums. There will be a main stage, food court, kids’ corner, handicrafts at the entrance, 2 bars and a Chill Zone.

Bonaire, XpBonaire, News, Information, Events, Entertainment, Regatta

Handicraft Entrance:

You will enter the event at the handicraft entrance. Shaped as an S, you will walk thru more than 20 handicraft booths before you approach the main stage.

Main Stage:

As you pass the Handicrafts entrance, on your right you will see the main stage. The main stage will be extremely large with good sound from Massive production, so you know you can dance and enjoy the regatta. There will be local music and also bands coming from Aruba and Curacao. On the last day of regatta there will be an international guest star performing as the headliner.


There will be 2 bars at the Regatta, one for the food court and Chill Zone and one for the people at the main stage. Of course, the main stage bar will be bigger and both bars will have 2 to 3 token sellers. One of the bars will also be making exquisite cocktails.

Food Court:

The food court will have 30 to 40 food stands. The food court is always a multi-cultural food experience.

There are also enough picnic benches for everyone to sit and enjoy their food. There will be signs made to identify all the stands.

Kids’ Corner:

There will be a special kids’ corner this year along with a special entrance for kids and parents. Inside the kids’ corner, there will be stands that have games and face painting for the kids. And there are some attractions coming from Curacao so the kids can enjoy regatta safely in one corner and the parents can also enjoy the regatta music and activities without having to worry about the kids being unsafe. Different organizations will keep the kids entertained.

Chill Zone:

The Chill Zone will have tables and comfortable chairs for those who would like to sit next to the beach and chill. The Chill Zone will also share a separate bar along with the food court. Parents of the kids who go to the kids’ corner can also go to the Chill Zone to sit and let the kids have fun while they chill and drink cocktails and other delicious drinks.

Regatta Race Schedule

Bonaire, XpBonaire, News, Information, Events, Entertainment, Regatta

Wednesday, October 12th

14:00 – 18:00 Inscription

19:00 – 19:30 Skippers meeting

20:00 – 21:00 Official Opening

21:00 - …….. Festival

Thursday, October 13th

09:00 – 17:00 Sailing races

18:00 – 19:00 Sailor Happy Hour at Spice Sailing lounge

20:00 - ………. Festival

Friday, October 14th

09:00 – 17:00 Sailing races

18:00 – 19:00 Sailor Happy Hour at Spice Sailing lounge

20:00 - ………. Festival

Saturday, October 15th

09:00 – 17:00 Sailing races

18:00 – 19:00 Sailor Happy Hour & BBQ at Spice Sailing lounge

20:00 – 21:30 Award Ceremony

20:00 - …………. Festival


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