Press Release TCB
Representatives of American Airlines had a productive trip on the island. They visited for 2 nights and the main purpose of their trip was to do site inspections of properties and tour around the points of interests in order to get to know the island better.
American Airlines is satisfied with the bookings at this moment. Seat capacity per month is about 2300 seats. September is the only month that they will reduce the flights to 1x per week and will then continue with the same frequency. Now that they have seen the product this will also help them understand how to market the island better. Tourism Corporation Bonaire (TCB) is carrying out discussions for future marketing initiatives in order to have Bonaire more visible in its promotions and help create a higher demand for the flights. This will also be communicated with the Tourism Sector. TCB would like to thank all the partners that made this trip a productive one.
Tourism Corporation Bonaire would like to thank Harbour Village for hosting the American Airlines representatives during their short stay.