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Renewed covenant Care and Security House Bonaire

Press Release RCN

On January 24th, 2020, the chain partners who collaborate within the Bonaire Care and Safety House signed a cooperation and privacy agreement. The covenant contains agreements on the joint approach to complex problems within families and the protection of personal data. The organizations involved are from healthcare, justice, education and local government.

Care and Safety House; not a building but a partnership

The Care and Security House exists on Bonaire for 5 years. It is a network collaboration between justice and care partners, education and the public entities. The Care and Safety House handles the serious problems within families in order to limit disturbance and crime, but also to offer help with, for example, parenting problems. The process is as follows: an employee of an organization brings a problematic situation to the Care and Safety House, the other organizations bring the necessary information together, then a coordinator (case director) is appointed who, together with the person concerned, family members and chain partners draw up a plan of approach to tackle the problems. This is how the model works: 1 family, 1 plan of action, 1 coordinator. In this way the family is better assisted in handling their problems and they do not have to deal with many different aid organizations. Saba and Sint Eustatius also work with the format of a Care and Safety House. The name Security House often causes confusion. It is often thought that it is a building where people can find shelter. That is not the case.

Protection of the family

Linked to the partnership is a privacy covenant. It describes how the services should deal with the information about the family that has been exchanged, so that the privacy of the family is well protected.

Workshop as a precursor to the Day of Privacy

Prior to the signing of the covenant, all those involved in the Bonaire Care and Security House attended a workshop on how to deal with the privacy agreements in the covenant. The intensified cooperation, the workshop and the renewed covenant are another step forward in the care for and protection of clients.

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