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Posada Para Mira receives energy audit report from TCB

Press Release TCB

In our efforts to make Bonaire a true-Blue Destination, Tourism Corporation Bonaire (TCB) promotes the efficient use of energy and water and the use of renewable energy.

As part of this effort we invited an energy expert to Bonaire to do an energy audit at companies that are open for a change in energy use. Companies who participated to this audit were TELBO, BIA, SELIBON, Posada Para Mira, Bellafonte, Eden Beach Resort, Rum runners and Sorobon Beach Resort.

Posada Para Mira in Rincon who participated was very interested to find out how they could also be more efficient in their energy and water use. Last week TCB was finally able to give Julianka Clarenda the audit report of Posada para Mira. After receiving the report Julianka expressed how important it is for all stakeholders to work together on developing Bonaire as a Blue Destination and Posada para Mira will certainly to their part by implementing the suggestions from the audit. General Manager of TCB, Maurice Adriaens expressed his gratitude for the cooperation received and his hope that many more stakeholders will reevaluate their energy and water use to make it as efficient as possible and become a Blue Destination partner.

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