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Press Release STINAPA

STINAPA also participated in the “Reading day” 2017

STINAPA staff participated in the very first National Reading Day organized by the Reading and Writing Foundation.

XpBonaire, IslandLife, Bonaire, News, Information, STINAPA, Reading Day 2017

The Reading and Writing Foundation organized the very first reading day and approached various businesses and organizations to let their staff visit the primary schools and child daycare facilities and read a story to the children.

STINAPA also participated and read to students of primary school and also to toddlers of child daycare facilities. From the reactions of the children we could conclude that this was highly appreciated.

In Bonaire there is almost no reading culture. Reading to children is very important for their language development and will also stimulate their fantasies. Reading to children will also teach them to concentrate and listen carefully.

STINAPA is very grateful that they also could contribute to the very first national lecture day.

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