On Wednesday, April 12th, 2017, the OLB Directorate Supervision and Enforcement (DTH) and WEB Bonaire have presented a new inspection card for electrical installations to the qualified installers on Bonaire. The new card is used for the inspection of normal electrical installations as well as so called DER installations (Distributed Energy Resources: installations for solar energy and wind energy that are connected to the grid).
During the presentation to the installers DTH and WEB have clarified the new inspection card and the procedure for registration and inspection of electrical installation. Also it has been explained which documents are required and what the inspection involves. (for more information visit http://www.webbonaire.com/en/application-renewable-energy).
The procedure provides for a streamlined cooperation between the qualified installer, DTH and WEB. Electrical installations and DER installations are always inspected by DTH, while WEB tests if the installations comply with the grid code. The involved installer is present at the inspection. With this WEB can guarantee the quality of electrical installations on the island.