PRESS RELEASE Plataforma Kultural
Thursday 4 November it will be 1 year ago that the Kompañá nos Grandinan project by Hòfi Kultural started. Kompañá nos Grandinan aims that at least 10 elderly who need personal contact, do something fun every week with a buddy. There are many elderly who cannot always rely on friends, neighbors or family for this.

Now a year later we look back and look ahead In the first weeks after the start of the project, a lot of volunteers signed up to become buddies. The elderly people were also approached carefully, through care institutions and family. And soon it was possible to see which volunteer would suit an older person best. Gradually, more elderly people and volunteers joined the project, so many hours were spent together in the past year, drinking cups of coffee and making outings.
Now a year later, there are 14 elderly people who receive a weekly visit and do something fun with a buddy.
It was also a year where corona sometimes made it hard to visit the elderly. If possible, the volunteers used video-calling and went for a "gesprekje aan het hekje/chat at the gate" where something healthy and delicious was brought for the elder.
After a year, we also like to look ahead. We are in talks with entrepreneurs to see if we can facilitate more trips for the elderly together with their buddy. More news about this is coming soon.
“Love and our time, is what we can give to the elderly”
Kompañá nos Grandinan is not a care institution and the buddies are not asked for a diploma in elderly care. It is about the personal attention, keeping company, love and time, which the volunteer gives to the elder.
The elderly who are visited have a lot of appreciation for the buddies and the families of the elderly are also happy with this regular and personal contact.
This poem was written by an elder living in Kralendijk; Mrs Ria Evers
Every Tuesday is special.
Then she comes and brings me
company, cosiness
and sometimes something sweet.
Sometimes we go out
and my world becomes bigger and more beautiful.
I wish everyone a Tuesday like this.
Kompañá nos Grandinan will continue unabated after this first year.
Also want to mean something to an elderly person on Bonaire?
Volunteers are still welcome for the project. Especially Papiamentu-speaking volunteers, but also Spanish, English and Dutch-speaking volunteers, men, women and young people who have a few hours a week to spend some time with an elderly are welcome.
Interested and a possible volunteer?
Or is there someone who would like to do something fun weekly with a buddy? Then call Mieneke van Rossem, tel 786 42 33 or mail to
For more information, visit and follow the project at:
This project is realized with the help of: Samenwerkende Fondsen Cariben and the DOEN Foundation.
Kompañá nos Grandinan is a project by Hòfi Kultural, part of Fundashon Plataforma Kultural. The motto of Fundashon Plataforma Kultural is Krea bo mes Mundu!
Fundashon Plataforma Kultural has been committed to residents of Bonaire for years by organizing cultural activities. For example, at Hòfi Kultural, free music lessons for the elderly take place every week, and dozens of young people from Bonaire participate in Street Colors Bonaire. The Cultuureducatie met Kwaliteit CN program has also recently been launched.
More information about the activities of Fundashon Plataforma Kultural:
