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Liseo expansion reaches highest point

The ‘Expansion of Liseo Boneriano’ construction project in the Hato neighbourhood has reached its highest point. The execution of the construction project is progressing according to plan.

Commissioner Edsel Cecilia is chairman of the steering group of this construction project. Mr. Edsel Cecilia states: ‘As chairman of this construction project’s steering group I am pleased to see that the construction activities are progressing as planned. I highly value education, as it is the foundation for the further development of a child. I hope that after the completion of this project, the students, parents and teachers will be pleased with a new and safe school environment. That it can serve as a boost for the further development of the students. I would like to take the opportunity to thank the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science (Ministerie van Onderwijs, Cultuur en Wetenschap, hereafter OCW) and other partners for the pleasant and constructive cooperation which enabled us to realise the intended result through our joint efforts. ‘Together we move mountains’. Mr. Reynolds (Nolly) Oleana, head of the RCN OCW unit, added, ‘This construction project makes it possible to house all MAVO, HAVO and VWO students of the SGB at one location. As a result, the school will be able to teach students more efficiently and the quality of education and social safety will improve further’.

A three-dimensional impression of the design can be inspected on the architect's website www.atelierpro/nl, under projects. The new building sections are scheduled to be put into service at the start of the 2018/2019 school year. The MBO, VMBO and Special Apprenticeships programmes of the Scholen Gemeenschap Bonaire (SGB) will continue to be housed on Kaya Korona.

The realisation of this building project is part of the educational buildings plan for Bonaire, which is co-financed by the Public Entity Bonaire and the OCW. The Central Government Real Estate Agency (Rijksvastgoedbedrijf) coordinates the execution of the different projects which are part of this plan, on behalf of the Public Entity Bonaire and the OCW. The expansion of Liseo Boneriano is realised by the contractor VOF Haafkes from Bonaire. The project team comprises Hein van Senten, Milena Ramirez – Silberie and Richard Weenink representing the SGB, Rudaliah Mercelina and Timoteo Silberie representing the Public Entity Bonaire, Paul Wichers as supervisor on behalf of Jacobs Architekten, Wouter Tuenter representing the RCN/OCW unit and the Central Government Real Estate Agency.

Educational buildings projects which were realised earlier on Bonaire include the renovation of the San Bernardo School in 2014, the new building construction for the Strea Briante (formerly Watapana) School in 2016, the new building construction for Skol Amplio Papa Cornes in 2016, the renovation of Kolegio Rayo di Solo (formerly Kolegio Reina Beatrix) in 2017, the renovation of Kolegio San Luis Bertran in 2017 and the reconstruction of the SGB sports gyms on Kaya Korona in 2017.


Appearing in the photograph are the representatives of the various parties involved: Commissioner Edsel Cecilia, Mrs. Maritsa Silberie (on behalf of the OCW), Mr. Etienne van der Horst, R&O Director, Mr. Frans van Efferink on behalf of Scholen Gemeenschap Bonaire, Ronald Haakfes on behalf of VOF Haafkes Bonaire, members of the project team and SGB students.

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