The reception area of Tourism Corporation Bonaire is converted one more time in an art exhibition, this is the eighth time that art is being showcased.

The gallery is a showcase for local artists who wish to showcase their artwork. We always receive positive feedback from both tourists as well as locals who visit TCB. After the exhibition of the painter of the artworks “Portraits of Bonaire”, Mr. Henk Roozendaal which was the first artist, followed Mrs. Monica Liliana Trujillo, Mr. Adi Figaroa, Mrs. Riet Sealy and Mrs. Agnes Joosten, Mr. Fransico Uty Melaan, Mrs. Mamita Fox, Mr. Virgy Balentin,now we welcome Mrs. Rosalba Figaroa.
Mrs. Rosalba Figaroa is from the neighborhood of Rincon and comes from a large family of five sisters. During her childhood she used to visit the farm of her grandma close to Dos Pos, her uncle used to take her and her sisters fishing, to Washington, go around Bopec and watch the flamingos. Mrs. Figaroa always had a love for the nature.
One afternoon after school when she was 9 years old she discovered her talent to draw for the first time. She took a pencil and cover of a notebook and drawed the baby that was on the bottle of the babyfood Gerber. Mrs. Figaroa couldn’t believe how beautiful it came out. After this she continued to draw, paint and make artwork. She also followed a class on drawing, but the teacher who gave the class took her drawings and she never got these back.
Mrs. Figaroa considers herself as a painter, designer and decorator. She does these during her free time as a hobby, next to her other hobbies like doing manicure and cooking. She hopes that in the near future she can pass on her knowledge so that the legend can continue.
Tourism Corporation Bonaire invites everyone to come visit the art gallery located at Kaya Grandi # 2 to admire the gallery of Mrs. Figaroa and also to buy her artwork.